Skizzen August/September

Sorry Leude, zu faul zu übersetzen.
Sketches of Medraut, one of my Eeilon-characters.
My first tries to define the clothing style of the White Ones, the former race created by the gods before they were nearly eliminated. He’s is Phalanx’s companion.
The White Ones use the same type of sorcery as human wizards like Seike and Helic. The humans ripped it from the world, therefore black fume soaks of their body while the fume of the White Ones is purely white since they were given that power. Their name “White Ones” derives from their glowingly white skin.

Young Legion and Hawri
as they might appear in the first chapter. Legion still wears her own clothes from the world beyond the stars, but got a few accessoires from the “Kleeläufer” (=Cloverwalkers). Hawri without his poncho, which is in fact just a pot corrupted by the sorcery that Cloverwoodlings are imbued with.

Nao the Dragon Eater
Adult “Four-Ear” for those who know his child designs. I dropped the four ears, his designs work also pretty fine without them. Since I didnt came up with another alias, you are spoiled now. Congrats.
I used Greek and Roman amour designs for him.
Sketch of Wind Waker Ganondorf with a more arabian twist and Link, Makar and Medli.

Really tiny skribble of Wind Waker Zelda in renaissance inspired wardrobe, since Daphnes got a redesigned wardrobe from that era, too. Next to her Minish Cap Zelda, Link and Vaati. Link and Zelda were based on Byzantine wardrobe, since its one of the earliest Zeldas and damn, why do Toon Link/Zelda always have to look the same… Vaati has no links to that era, though. I just pimped an earlier redesign of him.

Kafei with a little twist in wardrobe. I would never be able to change his outfit totally because I like it how it is.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Oho, wie schön, mal wieder was von dir zu sehen!

    Wenn ich mir deine Charakterentwürfe so ansehe, weiß ich wieder, warum ich immer nur Landschaften male - wegen meines fehlenden Vorstellungsvermögens ;). Allein diese abgefahrenen Klamotten! Very nice indeed. Am besten gefällt mir die kleine Legion, ich möchte auch so tolle dicke Haare haben! Der oberste Entwurf (Medraut) ist nicht ganz so meins. Ich finde die Dynamik des Kragens in Kombination mit den Ohren zu unruhig. Da fehlt für meinen Geschmack ein Gegengewicht. Ganondorfs Kragen hingegen ist absolut oberstylish! Und ich mag den melancholischen Blick des Dragon Eaters. Der scheint das Heldsein ja eher zu ertragen als zu genießen.

  2. so pretty pretty pretty.

    Lass uns mal wieder was zusammen zeichnen.

  3. Ich weine mal wieder ein bisschen, dass du keine Illustratorin werde willst, schnief. So viel großes Talent... :3 Sie sind wie immer unheimlich schön anzusehen, allesamt. Und ich finde, mit jeder neuen Sache, die ich von dir sehe, wird deine Linienführung toller!
